Deputy Robert Layman with Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office remains hospitalized after he and a colleague were struck by a vehicle on Interstate 45 North two days ago. Deputy Layman and Sergeant Jack Valenzuela were hit by a Jeep Cherokee SUV Wednesday morning as they walked back to their patrol car, having stopped to assist a motorist whose vehicle became disabled in a travel lane. Sgt. Valenzuela was released from hospital that day, however Deputy Layman suffered serious injuries and will probably be off the job for quite some time. The driver of the Jeep, a 50-year old male, is cooperating with the police investigation of the accident.
The Montgomery County Law Enforcement Association has established a benefit fund to help Deputy Layman and his family with the costs of an extended time in hospital and out of work. Donations can be made at any Woodforest National Bank, and the check should be payable to the “Robert Layman Benefit Fund.” Hopefully Deputy Layman will recover in time to be home with his family for Christmas.
Hopefully the Jeep was covered by a large automobile insurance policy that will compensate Deputy Layman for his injuries and lost time from work. Claims involving serious injury and an extended hospital stay frequently involve dealing with negotiating large health insurance liens, and sometimes liens from short term or long term disability insurers.

The MCSO cruiser damaged in the wreck

The wrecked Jeep Cherokee