Archive for August 15th, 2023

Harris County Leads Texas in Drunk Driving Crashes

A drunk driving concept showing a glass of liquor in the middle of a slick road at night with an SUV in the background.

Every year, countless lives are affected by people who make the reckless decision to drive while under the influence of alcohol. It’s a particularly severe issue in the Houston area. With a staggering number of drunk driving-related car crashes, Harris County has earned a sobering distinction in Texas.

According to a recent report by the Courier of Montgomery County, new data from the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) says Harris County has earned the unfortunate title of having the highest number of drunk driving-related car crashes in the state. In 2022 alone, Harris County recorded over 3,500 crashes involving impaired driving.

Drunk driving in Harris County, TX

The crash statistics are nothing short of sobering: over 115,000 reported car accidents within Harris County in a single year. What’s even more concerning is that out of these incidents, 3,553 crashes were directly attributed to drivers under the influence of alcohol.

One key element in this equation is the county’s remarkable growth and diversity. With a population that surpasses 4.7 million, Harris County is the largest county in Texas and the third-largest in the entire nation. This sheer number of residents introduces a dynamic set of challenges that can influence statistics, including those pertaining to drunk driving crashes.

The interplay between Harris County’s population influx and its drinking culture is a complex one. As people from all walks of life converge on this vibrant county, a diverse range of behaviors, habits, and attitudes towards alcohol come together. This diversity, while contributing to the richness of the community, also means that there is a broad spectrum of attitudes toward responsible alcohol consumption. Unfortunately, a surge in intoxication-related fatalities has been a consequence of this particular social landscape.

Lynn Nguyen, the section chief of the vehicular crimes division at the Harris County District Attorney’s Office, told the Courier of Montgomery County: “We’re obviously a huge county. I think that’s what drives the numbers every year. And we’re kind of one of those growing counties, where people are coming from all over to live here…and so with the influx of people and the drinking culture that we do have here, that unfortunately means there’s going to be an increase in intoxication-related fatalities.”

Understanding the dangers

Drunk drivers are at risk of causing serious and fatal car accidents because their impaired state hampers their ability to operate a vehicle safely and respond effectively to the dynamic challenges of the road. As a result, not only are drunk drivers themselves in danger, but so are passengers, pedestrians, bicyclists, and fellow motorists who share the road.

Driving under the influence of alcohol is dangerous because it results in:

  • Impaired cognitive function: Alcohol impairs cognitive functions, including attention, judgment, and reaction time. This compromised mental state significantly increases the likelihood of accidents.
  • Reduced motor skills: Alcohol affects motor skills and coordination, making it difficult for drivers to maintain control over their vehicles and respond appropriately to unexpected situations.
  • Decreased inhibition: Intoxication can lead to reckless behavior and a decreased sense of caution, resulting in drivers taking unnecessary risks on the road.
  • Slower reaction times: Impaired drivers have slower reaction times, which can prevent them from effectively avoiding collisions or stopping in time to avoid a collision.
  • Increased likelihood of high-speed collisions: Drunk driving accidents often occur at higher speeds due to impaired judgment, resulting in more forceful collisions and greater damage.
  • Higher severity of injuries: The combination of high speeds and impaired judgment leads to more severe injuries in accidents involving drunk drivers, especially when they drive on the wrong side of the road and crash into other vehicles head-on.

Drunk driving is dangerous and can lead to legal consequences, including fines, license suspension, and jail time. The tragic truth is that these accidents are preventable, underscoring the critical need for responsible choices, increased awareness, and accountability to curb the devastating impact of drunk driving on our roads.

Holding drunk drivers accountable

At Smith & Hassler, our car accident attorneys recognize the seriousness of crashes caused by drunk drivers and the profound impact they can have on victims’ lives. With a deep understanding of the nuances of Texas law and extensive experience in complex cases, we are ready to help you fight for the justice and financial compensation you deserve.

If you were hit by a drunk driver or your loved one died in a crash involving a driver under the influence of alcohol, your path forward starts with us. Contact us today for a free and confidential case evaluation. We’re located in Houston, TX, and we look forward to speaking with you about your potential legal case.