Archive for October 18th, 2023

Texas Launches ‘Survive the Drive’ Campaign Amidst Alarming Spike in Roadway Deaths

Interstate traffic towards Downtown Houston on a sunny day

AAA Texas and the Insurance Council of Texas are launching a campaign called Survive the Drive to combat a troubling trend on Texas roads that has emerged since the COVID-19 pandemic. Before 2020, Texas drivers were heeding warnings about the dangers of reckless driving. However, when the pandemic began, risky driving behaviors such as speeding, impaired driving, distracted driving, and aggression became more prevalent. As a result, Texas experienced a surge in roadway deaths and serious car accidents.

Roadway deaths spike in Texas

From 2019 to 2022, deaths due to impaired driving increased by over 22%. The Insurance Council of Texas also reported a rise in claims from serious car accidents.

According to the Texas Department of Transportation, Texas saw a concerning rise in the fatality rate on its roadways in 2021 alone. That year, the state had 1.58 roadway deaths per hundred million vehicle miles traveled. This marked a 5.45% increase compared to 2020.

The total number of motor vehicle traffic fatalities also increased, with 4,497 recorded in 2021, signifying a significant 15.43% uptick from the 3,896 deaths reported the previous year. Furthermore, 2021 saw 15,769 serious injury crashes in Texas, involving 19,456 individuals who sustained severe injuries.

Contributing factors

According to Rich Johnson, Director of Communications for the Insurance Council of Texas, the increase in population is one contributing factor to the surge in traffic accidents. “We’re getting bigger. We have more people on the roads,” he said in a statement.

Other common factors include:

Safety advocates respond

As a response, Survive the Drive aims to educate Texans about safe driving habits on the road. One important tip is to use rideshares or other transportation alternatives instead of driving impaired. They also advise drivers to put away their phones while driving to minimize texting and other distractions. That can be either in the glovebox, with a passenger, or in the trunk.

The message becomes particularly vital as the days grow shorter during the fall season. Survive the Drive encourages a return to safer, more responsible driving habits to help reverse the trend of increased Texas crashes and fatalities.

Protect your rights if you were injured in a crash

While safety advocates are doing their part to address the growing number of Texas roadway deaths, the problem could persist for years. That’s why it’s important to understand your rights if you or a loved one was hurt in a crash on Texas roads.

The Houston car accident attorneys at Smith & Hassler can be your ally in the pursuit of justice. Our legal team understands the physical, emotional, and financial devastation that you may be going through. We’re committed to holding negligent drivers accountable and fighting to maximize compensation for injured motorists and their families.

To find out how we can help you, contact us online. We would be glad to answer any questions and help you explore your potential legal options during a free consultation.